FreeMcqs FreeMcqs is a free education & learning platform for global students and working professionals, where they can practice multiple choice questions & answers (MCQs). These all MCQs are FreeMcqs which are helpful in all types of exams.

Which country has a Golden bridge that’s held up by a pair of Giant concrete hands?


B. China

C. Vietnam

D. None of these

Penalty cards used in Football first introduced in which year?

A. 1970

B. 1974

C. 1996

D. None of these

Which country detonated its first nuclear device underground?

A.  North Korea

B. China



In which country have scientists identified new species of dinosaur that was the largest ever discovered in the world?

A. Pakistan

B. China

C. India

D. Australia

Ancient city Kemune emerged in which country in September 2019?

A. Iran

B. Syria

C. Yemen

D. Iraq

How many pieces have each player in a chess game?

A. 12

B. 14

C. 16

D. 18

Who is considered as “The Father of Chinese Artificial Satellite”?

A. Zhao Jiuzhang

B. Zhang Jie

C. Sir Charles Kuen Kao

D. Tsung-Dao Lee

Which physicist is called “the father of the Chinese atomic bomb”?

A. Frédéric Joliot-Curie

B. Qian Sanqiang

C. Chen-Ning Franklin Yang

D. Wang Ganchang

Did Google celebrate the _______ birthday in the honor of Dr. Ruth Pfau’s?

A. 70th

B. 80th

C. 90th

D. None of these

Who is the president of the USA at the time of World War 1?

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Woodrow Wilson

C. George Washington

D. James Madison

Which country has a Golden bridge that’s held up by a pair of Giant concrete hands?


B. China

C. Vietnam

D. None of these

Penalty cards used in Football first introduced in which year?

A. 1970

B. 1974

C. 1996

D. None of these

Which country detonated its first nuclear device underground?

A. North Korea

B. China



In which country have scientists identified new species of dinosaur that was the largest ever discovered in the world?

A. Pakistan

B. China

C. India

D. Australia

Ancient city Kemune emerged in which country on September 2019?

A. Iran

B. Syria

C. Yemen

D. Iraq


Which country has a Golden bridge that’s held up by a pair of Giant concrete hands?


Penalty cards used in Football first introduced in which year?


Which country detonated its first nuclear device underground?

North Korea

In which country have scientists identified new species of dinosaur that was the largest ever discovered in the world?


Ancient city Kemune emerged in which country in September 2019?


How many pieces have each player in a chess game?


Who is considered as “The Father of Chinese Artificial Satellite”?

Zhao Jiuzhang

Which physicist is called “the father of the Chinese atomic bomb”?

Qian Sanqiang

Did Google celebrate the _______ birthday in the honor of Dr. Ruth Pfau’s?


Who is the president of the USA at the time of World War 1?

Woodrow Wilson

Which country has a Golden bridge that’s held up by a pair of Giant concrete hands?


Penalty cards used in Football first introduced in which year?


Which country detonated its first nuclear device underground?

North Korea

In which country have scientists identified new species of dinosaur that was the largest ever discovered in the world?


Ancient city Kemune emerged in which country on September 2019?
